Provide accurate accounting for cash receipts, cash disbursements, and cash balances. 提供正确的现金收入、支出和结余记录。
Are non-cash negotiable securities in the custody of a person other than the one responsible for cash receipts? 非现金的可转让证券是否由负责现金收款人外的其他人员保管?
These figures exclude cash receipts. 这些数字不包括现金收入。
Are cash receipts from miscellaneous sources independently con-trol-led? 对于杂项来源的现金收入是否由独立的控制?
All cash receipts should be recorded and deposited daily. 所有的现金收据应该被每日记录和存放。
The pop singer got huge cash receipts from his concert. 那个流行歌星从演唱会中获得了巨额的现金收入。
What kind of document do you use to trace all cash receipts? 用什么文件来跟踪现金收入?
Refers to the actual cost of products of industrial enterprises and industrial services provided, etc. Cash receipts are treated as business revenues, and cash payments are handled as business expenses. 指企业销售产品的销售收入和提供劳务等主要经营业务取得的收入总额。收到现金记为企业收入,支付现金记为企业费用。
Use the sales journal, the cash receipts journal, and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger. 使用销售日记账,现金日记账,和应收款明细分类账。
Require that all cash receipts be deposited in the bank. 全部现金收入应如数存入银行。
In handling over-the-counter cash receipts, a few errors in making change will inevitably occur. 处理柜台交易的现金收入时,在交换时难免会发生一些差错。
The capital expenditures budget and the budgeted income statement provide data for the cash budget, or statement of budgeted cash receipts and disbursements. 资本支出预算和预计损益表都为现金预算即预计的现金收支汇总表提供了资料。
Those who sign checks should not have access to cash receipts, should not have funds or record cash entries. 签发支票人不应管理收入,也不应管基金帐和现金收入帐。
A forecast of estimated cash receipts and disbursements for a specified period of time. 是指在一年内或一年以上的一个营业周期内,公司预计的收入和支出的现金流量。
In the direct method, the cash flows from operating activities are disclosed by the original cash receipts or payments. 在直接法下,经营活动产生的现金流量是按照现金收入和支付的本来面目披露的。
Prepares cash receipts for all cash and checks received. 为所有收到的现金和支票签发收据。
Cash receipts from customers are cash inflows from sales. 从客户收到的现金是销售产生的现金流入。
Cash receipts are treated as business revenues, and cash payments are handled as business expenses. 收到现金记为企业收入,支付现金记为企业费用。按现金收付制规定,企业收到的现金大都作为收入处理,付出的现金大都作为费用处理。
In cash-basis accounting, revenues and expenses are also called cash receipts and cash payments. 在现金基础会计,收入和支出也称为现金收入和现金支付。
In the statement of cash flows, the disclosure: begins with cash receipts from sales, adds interest and dividends received, and then deducts cash payments for purchases and income taxes, to arrive at net cash flows from operating activities. 在现金流量表中,首先列示的是由于销售而收到的现金,加上收到的利息和股利,然后减去由于购货、所得税所导致的现金支付,最终得出经营活动的净现金流量。
Cash Receipts from Interests and Dividends. 收到的利息和股利。
The direct method lists the major sources of cash receipts and disbursements-for example, cash collections from customers and cash payments to suppliers and to employees. 两种方法被用来反映经营活动直接法和间接法。直接法列出了现金收入和支出的主要来源举例,从消费者处得到的现金收入和给供应商和职员的现金支付。
Although the interests and dividends are associated with investing activities, the FASB and the IASC classify the cash receipts from interests and dividends as cash flows from operating activities. 虽然利息和股利是与投资活动联系在一起的,但是,国际会计准则委员会和财务会计准则委员会都把收到的利息和股利归入经营活动产生的现金流量类中。
Cash Receipts from Customers. 从客户收到的现金。
A cash flow statement is an accounting statement that reflects the condition of cash receipts and cash disbursements of an enterprise during a certain accounting period. 现金流量表是反映在一定会计期间现金收入和支出情况的会计报表。
The amount of overall cash receipts and expense of the joint venture company; All material purchasing and selling of the joint venture company; 合营公司所有的现金收入、支出数量;合营公司所有的物资出售及购入情况;
The credit sales from prior periods will result in cash receipts for the later periods. 前期的信用销售会在以后的时期形成现金流入。
Another employee takes the tape out of cash register and records the cash receipts for the day. 另一名工作人员将会取出收银机上的传送带,记录下当日的现金收据。
The cash sales produce cash receipts in the current period, but the credit sales will not. 现金销售可以在销售当期取得现金,但信用销售则不会。